Kayak rental
Myötätuuli Oy (Ltd) provides Avalon sea kayak rental for those who wish to explore the beautiful archipelago by paddling. We use high-quality sea kayaks, which are suitable for paddlers with prior experience. We also have tandem sea kayaks (Avalon Avec) for two persons.
You may rent a kayak just for two hours or for a longer time, even for two weeks. The rental fee includes a spraydeck, a paddle and a floating vest. The pick-up point for the kayak is Myötätuuli’s premises in Parainen or you may start your paddling adventure near Solliden Camping. We can also transport the kayak to a desired location as well as have it picked up, but there will be an extra charge.
We require the customer to have previous kayaking experience together with navigational skills. No alcohol or drug use permitted during rentals. We strongly recommend a valid leisure-time insurance.
Welcome to experience the archipelago from a different angle.