The Old Turku Shop

The Old Turku Shop

A nice small tourist shop in the middle of Turku and inside of the Market Hall of Turku. We sell everything what tourist would need: postcards, stamps, magnets, T-shirts, caps, old fashioned candy,....Welcome !
Pieni kiva turistikauppa Turun keskustassa Turun kauppahallissa. Meiltä löytyy kaikkea mitä matkailija tarvitsee: postikortteja -ja merkkejä, magneetteja, T-paitoja, lippalakkeja, vanhan ajan makeisia jne.
Tervetuloa !

The Old Turku ShopThe Old Turku ShopThe Market Hall of TurkuThe Old Turku Shop
The Old Turku Shop
The Old Turku Shop
The Market Hall of Turku
The Old Turku Shop