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11 000 islands – one dream destination

Discover your favorite among 11 000 islands

The Pargas archipelago consists of 5 main islands and countless small islands and islets, far out in the outermost archipelago. Familiarize yourself with the different main islands and with the outer archipelago as an area. A large part of the Pargas archipelago belongs to the Archipelago Sea’s UNESCO biosphere area, which focuses on how the unique nature and people in the local archipelago community with its rich culture and archipelago traditions are in balance with each other. 

Events around the year in the archipelago

How to get to the Finnish Archipelago

Only two hours from Helsinki and Tampere, and you are here.
Travel around the archipelago – by car, bus, boat, bicycle or on foot. In addition to the roads, the islands can be reached by ferries and transfer vessels.

The archipelago is famous for its’ circular trails


Photo: Aleksandra Degtiareva


Get inspired by the farthest reaches of Finland’s archipelago every day

The archipelago town Pargas' tourist information services are closed during the Christmas and New Year holidays, and we will serve you again after Epiphany! We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025! ❤🎄🌟

📷 Jurmo, Heidi Hakala
The ferries and connecting vessels operate year-round in the archipelago, welcoming visitors any time of the year!

Photo by Lauri Santavuori
Blue hour is that magical time just before sunrise and after sunset when the sky takes on deep shades of blue. This phenomenon occurs because of Rayleigh scattering, which happens when sunlight passes through the atmosphere at a low angle. The shorter blue wavelengths scatter more, giving the sky its stunning hues. It's a perfect time to capture serene natural landscapes!

Photo by Lauri Santavuori
November sunlight, showing that even as the leaves fall, there’s still plenty to admire this time of year.
With little light pollution, the archipelago is one of the best places for stargazing and seeing the Milky Way in all its glory. 

📷 Lauri Santavuori
There’s something magical about being outside early to see the sunrise; it often feels like you have the world all to yourself.

Photo by Lauri Santavuori
Great news! 🌞🎉: The amazing Archipelago Trail and Small Archipelago Trail both get a longer season from year 2025, when the ferries MS Antonia and MS Östern traffic the routes between May 9th and September 14th. Autumn is a great time to enjoy the Finnish archipelago and now there is a great way to accomplish this! See more about the routes on .

Ilouutinen 🌞🎉: Saariston rengastie ja Pieni rengastie saavat vuodelle 2025 kausipidennyksen niin että reitit ovat kauttaltaan kierrettävissä 9.5.-14.9.. Syksy on upeimpia aikoja saaristossa, ja MS Östernin ja MS Antonian pidennetty liikennöinti reitellä avaa uusia mahdollisuuksia kokea saariston alkusyksyä! Lue lisää reiteistä sivulla .  #saaristonrengastie #saaristonrengastie #saaristonrengastiellä 

Glada nyheter 🌞🎉: Skärgårdens ringväg och Lilla ringvägen får en viktig säsongsförlängning för år 2025 i och med att färjorna MS Antonia mellan Houtskär och Iniö och MS Östern mellan Nagu och Rimito trafikerar från 9.5 ända till 14.9. Hösten är en av de härligaste tiderna i skärgården, och den förlängda säsongen öppnar nya möjligheter att uppleva skärgården. Läs mer om rutterna på .